out. 17, 2023

SkyLine, the new linear machine with pressure sensitive technology by PackLab, won over the jury and won the Cibus Tec 2023 Innovation Award.

The revolutionary solution was the only labeling machine to have achieved the award in its category.

This is an amazing goal, even more significant if we consider the quantity of exhibitors present at the show in 2023 edition: 1.220 companies in total, 76 in Labelling Machines category.

Innovation is the common thread of the event itself, which makes it the slogan: Inspiring Innovation in Food & Beverage Technologies.

Winning the Innovation Awards represents the most coveted recognition.

SkyLine is the latest innovative labeling machine created by the P.E. Labellers R&D Dept., which unstoppably produces revolutionary solutions for our customers. This new linear labeling solution breaks the rules and differs significantly from the other solutions on the market today.

SkyLine was recently previewed at Pack Expo (Las Vegas – NV, 11-13/09/23) and PPMA (Birmingham – UK, 28-30/09/23).

Cibus Tec 2023 represents the showcase in which the machine will be exhibited in Italy for the first time, to the attention of an international audience.

Having won the Innovation Awards allows to enjoy privileged visibility, with delegations of top buyers and press agencies organized by the fair at the P.E. Labelers / PackLab booth.


Proud to Make a Difference

Sobre PE Labellers

Fabricantes de alimentos, bebidas, vinho e destilados, comida para animais, cuidados pessoais, produtos químicos e cosméticos no mundo inteiro confiam nos sistemas de rotulagem rotativa e linear de alta velocidade da P.E. Labellers. De sistemas com cola fria e hot melt, a autoadesivos, roll-fed e combinados, a P.E. Labellers trabalha com a mais ampla gama de soluções de aplicação de rótulos. Como parte da linha de negócios ProMach Decorative Labeling, a P.E. Labellers ajuda seus clientes de embalagens a proteger e a aumentar a reputação e a confiança dos consumidores. ProMach é desempenho, e a prova disso está em cada embalagem. Saiba mais sobre a P.E. Labellers no site

Contato de mídia
P.E. Labellers Marketing | E-mail: [email protected]

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